The Daisy Vase Project - How to use
The daisy vase project generates random vases which are printable with a 3D printer. The number of different vases the generator
can create is close to infinity.
The random generator has no awareness of beauty. So do not expect every vase to be beautiful
and functional. It takes luck and patience to find the good ones.
A printed daisy vase with daisies
Generating a random vase
Choose Vase Generator from the menu.
This will show the random generator page with a newly generated random vase.
If you do not like the vase press the 'New Random Vase'-button.
Repeat this until you find a vase you like.
Then press the 'Add to Gallery'-button.
This will add the vase to the user gallery and show the gallery with your vase (in blue color).
Keep the number of your vase if you want to find it again at your next visit.
Getting an overview of the capabilities of the vase generator
Have a look at the galleries.
The user gallery is the place where everybody can put a vase.
The author's random gallery is a selection of over 1000 random vases picked by the author.
There should be a vase for everybody's taste.
The vases in the author's edited gallery are not generated by a random process
but created by manually choosing functions of the vase generator.
Having a closer look at a vase
A mouse click on a vase in a gallery shows the
interactive vase view.
This view shows the vase in full size and you can spin and zoom the vase and change the color.
Press the 'Download'-button to get the vase as a file on your device.
In the vase view, you can vote for the beauty (or ugliness) of the vases. Please vote for as many vases as possible.
Sorting the gallery overview by votes makes it possible to find the best-rated vases. The votes may become a criterion for future garbage collection.
Printing a vase
Download the vase from the vase view page.
This saves an obj file of approximately 2.5 Mb in size.
3D printer software (such as Cura, Slicer,..) can read this file. The grid resolution of the vase is 180 radial and 100 vertical vertices.
The height of the vase is 100 mm. For daisies, it is recommended to scale the vase by a factor of 0.6 to 60 mm height before printing.
Let the 3D printer software generate the control commands for the 3D printer (the g-code).
Transfer the g-code to the 3D printer. Printing a 60 mm high vase typically lasts 2 to 10 hours on a standard consumer 3D printer.
The color of the vase depends on the filament used by the 3D printer.
Please do not forget that the daisy vase project is still in a prototype state. Keep in mind that things may change.